Our Booking promise
if we have to cancel
you’ll get your money back
In the unlikely event, Flamingo Padel have to cancel a retreat, for any reason, we will offer our guests the following options:
A transfer, free of charge, to any future retreat date in the same destination
A transfer, free of charge, to any future retreat date in a different destination of the same value
A full refund paid within 14 days
Find full details in our terms and conditions.
if you have to cancel
To cancel your retreat you must tell us in writing (email or by post) as soon as possible. Your notice of cancellation will only take effect when it is received in writing by us and will be effective from the date on which we receive it.
We are a small company and our suppliers often ask us to pay for all reservations in advance. If you decide to cancel, we will do our best to minimise losses arising out of your cancellation. If you cancel we will therefore charge you a termination fee which covers our administration costs and compensates us for the risk that we do not resell your retreat. The fee is based upon how long before your Retreat Start Date you tell us you want to cancel and is a percentage of the total price of your retreat.
The following applies to:
Retreats in Morocco
Period before your Retreat Start Date within which notice of cancellation is received by us in writing | Cancellation charge as a % of total booking price* |
46 days or more | Loss of deposit (at this point, you will only have paid a deposit amount & not the full booking price) |
45 – 31 days | 70% |
Less than 30 days | 100% |
Retreats in Spain & Sweden
Period before your Retreat Start Date within which notice of cancellation is received by us in writing | Cancellation charge as a % of total booking price* |
31 days or more | Loss of deposit (at this point, you will only have paid a deposit amount & not the full booking price) |
30 – 26 days | 70% |
25 – 21 days | 90% |
Less than 20 days | 100% |
Please refer to our Booking Terms for full details.
If you need to cancel for Covid-19, or any other reason, we will be happy to provide you with documentation to support your insurance claim.
Your retreats
In order for a retreat to be guaranteed we require the minimum group size to have been met (typically six people). Once your retreat is confirmed by our team, you can go ahead and book your flight.
For all destinations we strongly recommend that you purchase flexible flight tickets as well as travel insurance that includes Covid-19 cancellation cover in the event you need to amend or cancel your flight tickets.
We will confirm that a retreat is going ahead no later than 30 days prior to the date your retreat is due to start.