
Flamingo Padel Privacy Notice 

Ensuring the security of the personal information you entrust to us is a vital aspect of our  operations. We aim to provide you with the assurance that your data is protected and  handled responsibly, while also helping you comprehend how it enables us to deliver a  superior, more personalized, and inspiring experience for you. 

The data controller is LMSquare Ltd (referred to in this Notice as “we” or “us”).  

We are committed to doing the right thing when it comes to how we collect, use and protect  your personal data. 

Your privacy matters to us, so please do take the time to read our Privacy Notice which  explains: 

  1. What types of personal data we collect and why we collect it. 
  2. When and how we may share personal data with other organisations. 3. The choices you have, including how to access and update your personal data. 

We have tried to keep this Notice as simple as possible, but if you are not familiar with  terms such as data controller, special categories of personal data, then read about these  and some others in our Definitions section. 

  1. Personal data we collect

(A) When you register for any of our services, you may provide us with: 

Your personal details, including your address, email address, phone number and  date of birth. 

Your account login details, such as your username and the password you chose. 

(B) When you browse our websites or use our mobile apps, we may collect: 

Travel preferences. Information about your browsing behaviour on our websites and  mobile apps. 

Information about when you click on one of our adverts, including those shown on  other organisations’ websites. 

Information about the way you access our digital services, including operating  system, IP address, online identifiers and browser details. 

Social preferences, interests and activities. 

(C) When you buy our products in our shops or online, we may collect: 

Passenger information, passport details, other ID document details. Insurance details. 

Relevant medical data and any special, dietary, religious or disability requests.

Information about your purchases, including what you bought, when and where you  bought it, how you paid for it and credit or other payment information. 

Information about your browsing behaviour on our websites and mobile apps. Information about when you click on one of our adverts, including those shown on  other organisations’ websites. 

Information about the way you access our digital services, including operating  system, IP address, online identifiers and browser details. 

Social preferences, interests and activities. 

(D) When you contact us or we contact you or you take part in promotions,  competitions, surveys or questionnaires about our services, we may collect: 

Personal data you provide when you connect with us, including by email, post and  phone or through social media, such as your name, username and contact details. 

Details of emails and other digital communications we send to you that you open,  including any links in them that you click on. 

Your feedback and contributions to customer surveys and questionnaires. 

(E) Other sources of personal data: 

We may use personal data from other sources, such as specialist companies that  supply information, retail partners and public registers. 

Your insurance company, their agents and medical staff may exchange relevant  personal data and special categories of personal data with us in circumstances  where we/they need to act on your behalf or in the interest of other customers or in  an emergency. 

If you log-in using your social network credentials to connect to our platforms and  online services e.g. Facebook, Google+ and Twitter, you will agree to share your  user details with us. For example, your name, email address, date of birth, location  and any other information you choose to share with us. 

(F) Personal data you provide about other individuals: 

We use personal data about other individuals provided by you, such as those people  on your booking. 

By providing other people’s personal data, you must be sure that they agree to this  and you are allowed to provide it. You should also ensure that, where appropriate,  they understand how their personal data may be used by us. 

  1. We use your personal data in a variety of ways:

(A) We need to process your personal data so that we can manage your account or  booking, provide you with the products and services you want to buy and help  you with any orders and refunds you may ask for. 

(B) We use personal data to manage and improve our products, websites, mobile  apps, customer loyalty or recognition programme(s) and other services.

We monitor how our services are used to help protect your personal data, detect  and prevent fraud, other crimes and the misuse of services. This helps us to  make sure that you can safely use our services. 

We may use personal data to respond to and to manage security operations,  accidents or other similar incidents, including medical and insurance purposes. 

We use personal data to carry out market research and internal research and  development, and to develop and improve our product range, services, shops, IT  systems, security, know-how and the way we communicate with you.  

(C) We want to ensure that marketing communications relating to our products and  services, and those of our suppliers, retail partners, including online advertising,  are relevant to your interests. 

To do this, we may use your personal data to better understand your interests so  that we can try to predict what other products, services and information you  might be most interested in. This enables us to tailor our communications to  make them more relevant and interesting for you. 

Looking at your browsing behavior and purchases helps us to better understand  you as a customer and it allows us to provide you with personalised offers and  services. 

We may also measure your responses to marketing communications relating to  products and services we offer, which enables us to offer you products and  services that better meet your needs as a customer. 

If you do not want to receive a personalised service from us, you can change  your preference online, over the phone or by writing (e.g. email) to us at any  time. We will update our records as soon as we can. 

(D) We want to serve you better as a customer so if you contact us, for example by  email, post, and phone or via social media, we may use personal data to provide  clarification or assistance to you. 

We need to process your personal data so that we can manage any promotions  and competitions you choose to enter, including those we run with our suppliers  and retail partners. For example, if you win a prize. 

We may invite you to take part in customer surveys, questionnaires and other  market research activities us and by other organisations on our behalf. 

To help us to better understand you as a customer, and to be able to provide you  with services and marketing communications (including online advertising  relevant to your interests), we may combine the personal data we collect when  you make purchases in-shop with personal data collected from our websites,  mobile apps and other sources.

We do not sell your personal data to third parties. 

(E) From time to time we may send you relevant offers and news about our products  and services in a number of ways, including by email. We may also send you  information about other companies’ products and services that we believe may  be of interest to you. We will only do this if you previously agreed to receive  these marketing communications. 

When you book or register with us we will ask if you would like to receive  marketing communications. You can change your marketing preferences online,  over the phone, using the ‘unsubscribe’ link in our marketing emails, replying  STOP to the short code in our marketing text messages or by writing to us (e.g.  email) at any time. Of course, the choice is entirely yours, but if you say you do  not want to receive marketing information from us this will prevent you from  receiving great offers or promotions that may be of interest to you. 

You may still receive service-related communications from us. For example,  confirming bookings you make with us and providing important information  about the use of our products or services. 

(F) We like to hear your views to help us to improve our products and services, so  we may contact you for market research purposes. You always have the choice  about whether to take part or continue in our market research. 

(G) In order to provide products or services requested by you we may share  personal data with suppliers of your travel arrangements, including airlines,  hotels and transport companies. 

We also work with carefully selected suppliers that carry out certain functions  on our behalf. For example, companies that help us with IT services, storing and  combining data, marketing, advertising campaign, market research, processing  payments and delivering products and services. 

We may need to share personal data to establish, exercise or defend our legal  rights; this includes providing personal data to others for the purposes of  preventing fraud and reducing credit risk. 

When we share personal data with other organisations we require them to keep  it safe, and they must not use your personal data for their own marketing  purposes. 

We only share the minimum personal data that enable our suppliers and retail  partners to provide their services to you and us. 

(H) So that you can travel, it may be mandatory (as required by government  authorities at the point(s) of departure and/or destination) to disclose and  process your personal data for immigration, border control, security and anti-

terrorism purposes, or any other purposes which they determine appropriate. 

Some countries will only permit travel if you provide your advance passenger  data (for example Caricom API Data and US Secure Flight Data). These  requirements may differ depending on your destination and you are advised to  check. Even if not mandatory, we may assist where appropriate. 

We may share the minimum personal data necessary with other public  authorities if the law says we must, or we are legally allowed to do so. 

Sharing personal data with credit reference and fraud prevention agencies 

When you order or buy products or services from us we may share your personal  data with credit reference and fraud prevention agencies. That means looking  into any records we hold about you and your records with credit reference  agencies (CRAs) or fraud prevention agencies (FPAs). When they get a search  from us, a ‘footprint’ goes on your file which other organisations might see. 

We may also do checks to confirm your identity. That is to help protect you from  identity theft and other types of fraud, and to prevent and detect crime or money  laundering. Once in a while we might run more checks with CRAs and FPAs to  keep your information and your account up to date. If false or inaccurate  information is provided and identified as fraud, the details will be passed to  FPAs. This information may also be shared with law enforcement agencies. 

If you tell us you have got a spouse or financial associate, we will link your  records together – so you must make sure you have their agreement to disclose  information about them. CRAs also link your records together and these links  will stay on your and their files – unless you or your partner successfully files for  a disassociation with the CRAs to break that link. 

We may send these agencies details such as your name, address, accounts and  bills, including how you manage them. That includes telling them about your  account balances, what you pay us and when you miss a payment. If you don’t  pay your bills on time CRAs will record that. Agencies may tell others doing  similar checks, including organisations trying to trace you or recover money you  owe them. 

Each credit reference and fraud prevention agencies will have its own criteria for  how to calculate a credit score. For more information on credit reference and  fraud prevention agencies e.g. Callcredit, Equifax and Experian, and the way  they may use your personal data, please refer to the Credit Reference Agency  Information Notice (CRAIN). The CRAIN describes how the main credit  reference agencies use and share personal data they receive about you and/or  your business that is part of or derived from or used in credit activity. 

(I) We may also share personal data with an organisation we sell or transfer (or  enter into negotiations to sell or transfer) any of our businesses or any of our 

rights or obligations under any agreement we may have with you. If the transfer  or sale goes ahead, the organisation receiving your personal data can use your  data in the same way as us. 

(J) We know how important it is to protect and manage your personal data. We take  appropriate security measures to help protect your personal data from  accidental loss and from unauthorised access, use, alteration and disclosure. 

The security of your data also depends on you. For example, where we have  given you or where you have chosen a password for access to certain services,  you are responsible for keeping this password confidential. 

The personal data that we collect from you may be transferred to, and stored at,  a destination outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). It may also be  processed by organisations operating outside the EEA who work for us or for one  of our suppliers. We put in place appropriate protections to make sure your  personal data remains adequately protected and that it is treated in line with  this Notice. These protections include, but are not limited to, appropriate  contract clauses, such as standard contract clauses approved by the European Commission , and appropriate security measures. 

(K) We will retain your personal data for only as long as it is necessary for the uses  set out in this Privacy Notice and/or to meet legal and regulatory requirements.  After this period, we will securely erase personal data. If data is needed after  this period for analytical, historical or other legitimate business purposes, we  will take appropriate measures to anonymise this data. 

(L) Cookies are small data files that allow a website to collect and store a range of  data on your desktop computer, laptop or mobile device. Cookies help us to  provide important features and functionality on our websites and mobile apps,  and we use them to improve your customer experience. Please see our separate Cookie Notice. 

(M) Our websites or mobile apps may contain links to websites operated by other  organisations that have their own privacy notices. Please make sure you read  the terms and conditions and privacy notice carefully before providing any  personal data on another organisation’s website as we do not accept any  responsibility or liability for websites of other organisation. 

(N) Our websites or mobile apps may contain social media features such as  Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest that have their own privacy notices.  Please make sure you read their terms and conditions and privacy notice  carefully before providing any personal data as we do not accept any  responsibility or liability for these features. 

(O) You have a right to ask for a copy of the personal data we hold about you,  although you should be able to access online the personal data associated with  your account or booking. You can write to us asking for a copy of other personal 

data we hold about you. 

Please include any details to help us identify and locate your personal data.  Where we can provide data access, we will do so free of charge except where  further copies are requested in which case we may charge a reasonable fee  based on administrative costs. 

We want to make sure that the personal data we hold about you is accurate and  up to date. If any of the details we hold are incorrect, please let us know. 

You can also ask for your personal data to be rectified or erased, to object to the  processing of your personal data and, where technically feasible, to ask for  personal data you provided to be transmitted to another organisation. 

We will update or erase your data, unless we have to keep it for legitimate  business or legal purposes. 

You can also contact us if you have a complaint about how we collect, store or  use your personal data. We aim to resolve complaints but if you are dissatisfied  with our response, you may complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. 

Please submit your request or complaint in writing to the Data Protection  Officer: 

By post: LMSQUARE LIMITED, Data Protection Officer, 22 Nexus Court,  Malvern Road, NW6 5AT, UK. 

By email: info@flamingopadel.com 

Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before we can act on  your request or complaint. We may also ask you for more information to help  ensure that you are authorised to make such a request or complaint when you  contact us on behalf of someone else. 

(P) We will only collect and use your personal data if at least one of the following conditions applies: 

We have your consent; 

It is necessary for a contract with you or to take steps at your request prior  to entering into a contract; 

It is necessary for us to comply with a legal obligation; 

It is necessary to protect your vital interests or those of another individual; It is in the public interest or we have official authority; or 

It is in our or a third party’s legitimate interests and these are not overridden  by your interests or rights.

(Q) This Notice replaces all previous versions. We may change the Notice at any  time so please check it regularly on our website(s) for any updates. If the  changes are significant, we will provide a prominent notice on our website(s)  including, if we believe it is appropriate, electronic notification of Privacy Notice  changes. 

Last updated: April 2023 

  1. Definitions

Data controller: The data controller determines the purpose and manner in which  personal data is used. 

European Economic Area (EEA): EU Member States plus Norway, Iceland and  Lichtenstein. 

Online advertising: Marketing messages that you may see on the internet. 

Special categories of personal data: This are categories of personal data revealing  racial or ethnic origin; political opinions; religious or philosophical beliefs; trade  union membership; genetic data, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely  identifying a natural person; health data; and data concerning a natural person’s sex  life or sexual orientation. 

Caricom API Data: Some or all of the Caricom states have entered into an  agreement with the USA whereby advance passenger data, required by and  provided to Caricom states for border security purposes, will be passed to the USA  Department for Homeland Security for processing on behalf of those Caricom  states. Please see the Caricom website for more details. 

US Secure flight Data: The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) requires  you to provide your full name, date of birth and gender for the purpose of watch list  screening. You may also provide your Redress Number, if available. Failure to  provide details may result in denial of transport or denial of authority to enter the  boarding area. TSA may share information you provide with law enforcement or  intelligence agencies or others under its published system of records notice. Please see the TSA website for more details.

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